TESTIMONIALS from clients who completed the EXHAUSTED TO THRIVING Program:

 Testimonial by W.C. 9/15/2023

I have had chronic fatigue, anxiety and insomnia for as long as I can remember. I woke up feeling exhausted and was barely making it through my day. I work in healthcare and was getting sick frequently, catching every cold or virus that I was exposed to. As a mom I was always putting my kids first and never taking care of myself.

Simone has helped me to see that self-care is not a luxury, it is not something we should feel guilty about or make excuses for, and it is essential to our well-being!

Through her program I have learned to set healthy boundaries in my personal and professional life, and how to set boundaries with myself, which is something I never knew I needed. 

She has helped me learn how to naturally reduce my cortisol (stress levels), how to balance my hormones with supplements, the importance of nutrition and how to boost my energy levels naturally. I no longer feel like I'm "on edge" all the time, which was a daily feeling for me. 

I also now realize the importance of building a supportive social network and the use of gentle movement and exercise to boost my immunity (and reduce environmental stressors). 

Most importantly, Simone has provided me with the tools to optimize my sleep routine. I used to have insomnia and would lie in bed every night for hours, trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep and stay asleep. Simone has helped me develop a more productive sleep routine, and has provided me with the tools to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer throughout the night.

I have the knowledge I need to continue these lifestyle changes and build on them, so that I can be a better mom, and a better ME! Simone has so much knowledge to offer. Give her a chance and she will change your life!


TESTIMONIALS from clients who completed a FREE Coaching Session: